420 Billion Coins

LeafCoin is a Utility Coin for use initially within the cannabis ecosystem, including seeders and growers, shippers and distributors, and dispensaries and consumers. The largest and fastest growing portion of the cannabis market remains the medical segment, adding to the legitimacy and increasing value of the cannabis industry. To facilitate stability and continuing growth, one of Management’s goals is a well-ordered market.

The total Treasury consists of 420 billion coins. In August 2023, 76.9% (323 billion coins) of the total was released into the market (“Phase-I Initial Public Supply”). Sixty percent (252 billion coins) have been released to the public whereas 16.9% (71 billion coins) have been released to founders, early investors, and for marketing deals, all under Smart Contracts with an 18-month vesting schedule. In addition, 5% (21 billion coins) has been set aside for staking rewards (“Phase-II Ancillary Public Supply”).

The remaining 10% (42 billion coins) has been set aside for Corporate Activities. The Corporate Activities include: ongoing Research & Development; Cyber-security Acceleration Protocols (“CAP”); vendor relationships and other metric-based relationships; sales and marketing fees and expenses (including social media and publicity professionals); professional services (such as accounting, legal (including IP protection), insurance, finance, consultants, etc.); strategic partnerships; infrastructure, scaling, and technology build outs (including bridging); and overhead, taxes, and administrative expenses.

Approximately 8.1% (34 billion coins) has been reserved for Brand Deals that support business partnerships with dispensaries, cannabis growers, and technology companies. In addition, some of these coins will be set aside for festivals, sponsorships, and other activities that build LeafCoin’s brand, advance awareness of its utility, and support the growth of its business and consumer base.

The availability schedule is fully disclosed; therefore, participants in the market will have no reason to either rush to buy (avoiding artificially high prices) or panic sell (avoiding unnecessary price drops). Management cannot manipulate market forces or natural progressions, regardless of whether such movements are favorable.

Further, to prevent excess availability in the market, early owners, and adopters, such as pre-purchasers and Management are holding their interests in 18-month smart contracts with differing opening dates, generally seven days apart or more. As well, a maximum sale of 5.556% (1/18th) of a Smart Contract’s holdings may be sold in any 30-day period.

To attract top-industry talent, reserves are set aside for new management, vendors, and potential employees, in a structured benefits plan to be developed by corporate counsel. The terms of these reserves will be subject to the structured benefits plan. Management may participate in this plan, subject to its structure.

To incentivize the talent pool, Management may also offer options for when participants attain certain performance metrics or thresholds, for longevity, as performance bonuses, or for other acts of service benefiting LeafCoinIO and the adopting community. These are commonly referred to as Key Performance Indicators” (or “KPIs”).

Please see the LeafCoin White Paper for sources and more information.